According to Gary Hamel, to become a revolutionary industry or create a new rule on in the difficult era or the revolution era must create a business concept and its component-component. A concept in the difficult era if business consists of four main components, the core strategy, strategic resources, intermediary customers (Customer Interface) and the network value. That four main components are linked by the three bridge components.

Among the core components of the strategy and resources linked by a strategic component of configuration activities . Components of benefits for customers linking the strategy's core customers and brokers. While the restrictions component company to become a bridge between network resources with strategic value. In the business model in the difficult era include the four elements that determine the profit potential of efficiency, uniqueness, and the suitability of the profits.

The first component of the concept of this business strategy is the core strategy, which is the core of how a company choose how to compete. Elements of the strategy includes the core vision and business mission, the scope of the product / market base and vision is what the desired company that ideal and mission operations of the business is a business vision. Vision and mission of this business will lead to a statement of values, the will of the strategy, objectives and targets large, and many brave and all performance targets. Vision and business mission is to provide direction and a criteria to measure the progress achieved. Vision, which was proved to be the spiritual capital melabungkan company. Merck Pharmaceutical has the vision that these companies exist because they provide the medicines to those who need them, so that the motive for the research work optimally.

Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and universally used. Mission capital with a rich spiritual Google can make it explode selling ads. Capital from 0.1 million U.S. dollars in 1998 exploded in March 2007 with revenue reaching 3.66 billion dollars.

Meanwhile, The Yahoo mission is connecting people with the desire of their community and their knowledge of the world. The Company was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo with a relatively small capital in 1994. Now the company is was explode with the acquisition of income = 6426 billion U.S. dollars at the end of 2006.

The second component of a business concept in the difficult era is strategic resources , which consists of core competency, assets and the strategic core. Strategic resources are specific and unique that can change dramatically competition to be a source of business concept innovation. Competence is a superior something that is owned company and is able to provide skills and a unique ability. For example,, has a patented technology, "One-Click" and has a very strong brand that is in between the quality of its core competency. But indeed the core competence of is the experiencesthat created for customers convenient to do business with Why convenient? Because the easy (One-Click), to make people perceive that they do business and sell and buy products with brands that have already known.

The third component Customer Interface, which has four elements, that is the support and fulfillment, the depth information, relationship dynamics and structure of prices. Harley Davidson is a company that is able to build genuine relationships with customers.

Meanwhile, the fourth components of the network business model is the value that beset the company and reinforce and complement the resources of the company. Cisco and Nokia to use their supplier networks as a way to reduce working capital and increase flexibility dramatically.

1 comment:

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